Sunday, June 8

Yeah.. lets go fucking

Fucking is a small village in Upper Austria whose name is unique and has existed since the year 1070. As a result of increasing attention from the media, Fucking has become more and more well-known throughout the world. Believed to be named after a man from the 6th century called Focko."-ing".

Fucking's most famous feature is written sign "Fucking" on a traffic sign in every place.

This is a unique destination through out the world's famous places but little unknown due its name.
Fucking is very small village with unique blends of natural beauties, have a great landscape and blooming trees. But due its unique name, the villagers have other things to worry about because Fucking signs keep getting stolen and have to put up new every time.

There is a local bus which takes you to Fucking and named "Fucker".

Fucking Pictures.


What happened to pizza?

Pizza is my favorite. It can't be avoided for many people around. My best part of it is the toppings and the cheese itself.

It was flat at the beginning.
But when Raffaele Esposito from Italy, who added magical ingredients and spices and discovered what we now call PIZZA!

Tools for Pizza making:
  • Pizza cutter
  • Oven
  • Pizza pan
  • Pizza knife
  • Apron
  • Cheese shredder
  • Bread knife
  • Spatula